Tag Archives: To-Do

To-Do Board

So I am the queen or organizing. I cannot function without having sticky notes, a checklist, prioritized bullets… the works. It’s the only way I get anything done. Seriously, you oughtta see my desk at work. Post-It notes EVERYWHERE.

My big thing is to-do lists. I’m very forgetful and rather unproductive on my days off so I have to make myself a to-do list to keep me on track. Here’s a way to decorate and organize at the same time:


So super simple.

Here is what you’ll need:


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I used left over fabric from the curtains I made and covered the cardboard backing that came with the frame. Use Elmer’s Glue to hold in place. Didn’t need anything too sturdy since it was going in a frame anyways.


There it is! Easy Squeezy. Dry Erase markers write and erase just fine on glass.

And of course, I can’t help but show off Johnny, Elvis, and the Beatles 🙂

Not to mention I was playing around with the panoramic setting on my camera