About IrishRedKnickKnacks

Hey y’all! I suppose my site isn’t about anything specific. This is where I’m going to post any knick knacks and tidbits I think others may benefit from. Recipes, DIY tutorials, art ideas, and posts about life in genera! It’s hard for many people to realize life doesn’t have to be complicated. Simplicity is wonderful! Happiness is not made from money, positions, or anything materialistic. You’ll be happy when you learn to love yourself, surround yourself with wonderful people, and quit focusing on everyone but yourself.

I don’t yet have any children of my own, but I have 2 nieces and a nephew and those kids are my world! I have found tons of inexpensive crafts and projects that keep the little ones busy and it’s fun for us adults too!

Recipes will probably be a big portion of this blog. I love to eat and I love to cook and bake. I also try to be fairly health conscious so I’ll be sharing plenty of healthy, yet yummy, recipes.

Heads up, I LOVE DIY projects! I’m a poor college kid but I don’t have to like it… or look it for that matter. Thanks to pinterest I’ve found so many ways to organize and decorate and make an apartment look like a real home. I hate to brag, but that’s pretty awesome considering I’m a co-op student and I have to move back and forth between Indiana and Ohio every 5 months! I’ll be sure to let you in on some secrets to organizing my crazy school life.

Last but not least, I plan on including a section for relationship advice. No, I’m not going to school for psychology. However, I have been through plenty of bad relationships and I have finally found the love of my life, and I know how to make it work. The key to having a great relationship and finding the person you want to spend your life with lies in being able to see the big picture. Taking a step back and thinking about what’s going on. I’ve helped many people with their relationships and I have an excellent track record, so hopefully someone else will get something out of my advice on here!

About me: Now that I’ve told you what my site will be all about, I guess I’ll introduce myself! My name is Lauren. I grew up on a small farm and I belong in the country. I’m a Bioengineering student, almost ready to FINALLY graduate. Every other semester of school I co-op with an engineering company, which is why I move around a lot. I’m pretty unique I guess, not your average girl. I’m kind of a combination of country-girl/hippie/musician/artist/nerdy/dancer. It works for me. I’ll never forget my country and irish roots. Any weekend I’m bored at school, I wish I was back home cutting wood or baling hay. I love the organic/natural lifestyle, though its hard to follow it with the life I lead. I try to be as frugal as possible and save money where I can. I love hands on projects. I paint, play guitar and sing. I’ve been taking dance classes off an on for a couple years. And somehow I found myself caught up in the life of engineering! I really love my job and I can’t wait to graduate and do it full time! One last big part of me: 4 years ago I found the love of my life. Matt and I started dating in 2008 and I couldn’t imagine life without him. I guarantee you’ll see his name in posts fairly regularly. Whelp, that’s all folks! I hope you enjoy my irishred knick knacks!

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