Tag Archives: Organize

To-Do Board

So I am the queen or organizing. I cannot function without having sticky notes, a checklist, prioritized bullets… the works. It’s the only way I get anything done. Seriously, you oughtta see my desk at work. Post-It notes EVERYWHERE.

My big thing is to-do lists. I’m very forgetful and rather unproductive on my days off so I have to make myself a to-do list to keep me on track. Here’s a way to decorate and organize at the same time:


So super simple.

Here is what you’ll need:


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I used left over fabric from the curtains I made and covered the cardboard backing that came with the frame. Use Elmer’s Glue to hold in place. Didn’t need anything too sturdy since it was going in a frame anyways.


There it is! Easy Squeezy. Dry Erase markers write and erase just fine on glass.

And of course, I can’t help but show off Johnny, Elvis, and the Beatles 🙂

Not to mention I was playing around with the panoramic setting on my camera

DIY Jewelry Hanging Doohicky

Jewelry Hanging Doohicky

Yes, Jewelry Hanging Doohicky.

I literally sat here for 10 minutes trying to come up with a different name for it and my mind just blanked.

Anyways, this was great. Super easy and CHEAP and quick.

The supplies:

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97 cent curtain rod from Walmart



A main color and subcolor spray paint. (couple bucks each)



Decorative Shower Curtain Hooks (about $1 or so)

The first thing I did was spray paint the whole curtain rod with the metallic gold paint.

Then I taped off the design. Had I actually thought this through I would have used yarn or ribbon or painters tape of some kind. I was ill-prepared so I used paper that I had to cut into very thin strips and tape around the curtain rod. Yeah… It was tedious. But hey, it worked!

Tape it off!

Tape it off!

Then spray over your rod again, this time with the main color. In my case, it was gloss black.

Spray it again!

Spray it again!

Let it dry for about 10 minutes or so. You don’t want to wait too long or else you’ll risk peeling the paint when you remove the tape.

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Perdy right??

Next I mounted it on the wall in my bathroom. (The curtain rods I bought had mounting hardware included). Then I hung the shower curtain hooks:

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Sorry for the crappy pictures. My camera got sand in the lens during vacation and is jammed, and my phone doesn’t take the best pictures…

Now I was ready for the jewelry!

Jewelry Hanging Doohicky


There you have it! Took no time at all!


Quick and Easy Closet Organizing

So, it seems like no matter how clean the rest of my apartment it, my closet it ALWAYS trashed. And if I do manage to get it straightened up, it gets destroyed in no time.

I don’t know about you, but it seems like the source of most of the mess is usually the stuff that gets rummaged through, like scarves, hats, belts, etc.

So super easy, scarves are all in one place:



Easy squeezy. Took like 2 minutes to round up all my scarves and loop them through themselves.

As for belts:



That’s right, those are paper clips. In all the apartments I’ve lived in they all have had pretty decent sized closets, but the instead of having a rod to hang stuff on, it’s always been these wire framed white metal shelf thingys…. sorry… terrible description. But you can kind of see what I mean from the pictures. Anywho, a little box of cheap paper clips, clip right onto the shelving, and hang the belt buckles from them.

Cheap and easy, PERFECT for a poor college kid like moi.



The other great thing about this, is if you put the belts and scarves side by side, they kind of create a curtain to block whatever mess you have behind them! Not that I have a mess or anything….