Tag Archives: Mason Jar

Just a Quick Storage Tidbit

This is going to be a super short, quick post, but:

MASON JARS ARE AWESOME. Seriously, you can use them for SO much. They are excellent for storage of cotton balls, Qtips, bobby pins, etc

Store your cotton balls! Much classier looking than a big plastic bag with Kroger stamped across it :)

Store your cotton balls! Much classier looking than a big plastic bag with Kroger stamped across it 🙂

Mason jars are also great decoration. I found several things I’m going to try on pinterest, hand scrubbed and hot chocolate mixes… and if you package these DIY gifts up in a mason jar you get that cute rustic country look too!

I went on vacation with Matt and his family this winter to Panama City Beach. I saved some sand and shells and kept them in this mason jar for some bathroom decor:

I know the writing on the Jar kinda sucks. It looked different before the paint dried, but oh well :)

I know the writing on the Jar kinda sucks. It looked different before the paint dried, but oh well 🙂

Also, the flowers and vase? I have 2 sets of those in my bathroom. Super cute. Walmart! The vases were like $3 each and the sets of flowers were 94 cents each. AWESOME AND CHEAP!