Tag Archives: Frosted Glass

Frosted Glass – Cheating

Let’s take frugal to a whole new level. As poor as us college kids are, we somehow always manage to scrounge up a few bucks for a bottle of wine or similar, yeah? yeah….

So lets take our now empty glass bottles and make them frosted! Cheap decoration for a small apartment or dorm room, and no one could guess how you did it either.

Hopefully the label of your bottle comes of easily and clean. Otherwise either soak it in hot soapy water or water+baking soda. Label should be fairly easy to remove then.

When your bottle is clean and dry, find yourself some Elmer’s Glue. Yup. Elmer’s Glue. Also, you’ll need food coloring, and disposable container (I used an empty gum container, how cheap am I? haha) and a foam paint brush.

All you need!

All you need!

This is so incredibly easy its seems so stupid that I haven’t been doing this for years.


Dump maybe 1/4 c of glue in your container and add 2-3 drops of food coloring of your choice. Mix well.

Apply the colored glue as even as you can manage to your glass.

All glued.. er.. painted up!

All glued.. er.. painted up!

Allow to set until all the glue is completely dry. You’ll notice its now complete uniform! (In order to get this effect, be careful not to leave thick streaks anywhere, spread that stuff around!)

Almost there!

Almost there!

There you have it! DIY Frosted Glass Decor!