Tag Archives: Fairy

Fairy Dream Jar

So this is an idea I got from Pinterest. By the way, I LOVE Pinterest! Seriously, I could spend hours on there… and I do…

But anyways, my niece’s birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something special. Those kids have EVERYTHING so I couldn’t think of what to buy that would mean something so I wanted to do something she’d remember.

On Pinterest someone had posted glow-in-the-dark mason jars. They were super cute! The poster had simply dotted the inside of a plain smooth mason jar with glow in the dark paint. It. looked. magical!

My niece just turned 6 and she is SUPER into fairies. Obsessed with Tinkerbell. SO I thought it’d be cute to do something along those lines. So for her birthday she got her very own dream fairy.


I found several different colors of glow-in-the-dark paint and spent FOREVER putting a bajillion dots on the inside of the jar with a small paint brush. Then as you can see I decorated it up a bit.

I included a note from her fairy, explaining the dream jar and how it worked. Long story short, she had her very own fairy who looked after her. She would keep her magic jar on her window sill where all day long it would absorb sunlight. Before she went to bed each night, she would write on a piece of “dream paper” what she wanted to dream about that night. When she turns out the lights, the fairy dream jar glows in the dark, showing that her fairy is working her magic and helping her have good dreams.

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This was also great, because it helps her practice her writing!

And of course I had to come up with a cool name for her fairy. After much pondering and debating my mother helped me settle on Starlight.

Easy DIY gift for a little girl!