Angel Food Slider (SUPER EASY PARTY FOOD 2)

So unfortunately I did not get a picture of these before they were eaten up 😦

But it doesn’t take too much imagination to picture what these will look like.

All you need:
Angel Food Cake – already made from Kroger or Walmart or wherever’s your fancy
1 reg sz bag Milk Chocolate Chocolate Chips
1 container fresh strawberries
Optional: 1/3 c peanut butter

I cut the cake in 1 inch slices. Sliced the strawberries in half (and removed stems) and laid 1-2 strawberry slices (depending on size) on each slice of cake. In a small bowl pour about a cup of chocolate chips and microwave for 20 sec at a time, stirring in between heating until melted. Spoon chocolate into a ziplock baggie and snip a corner (or just use a pastry bag if you have them). Gently squeeze out the chocolate so it drizzles over the strawberries and cake. Refrigerate for about 20 min or so before serving so the chocolate stiffens up.

Peanut Butter Ganache Option: Same as above but microwave 1/3 c peanut butter and 2/3 c chocolate chips together to drizzle over the top. The Ganache will be slightly softer than the chocolate alone, but it is oh so delish 🙂

See? Sooooo easy… and cheap… and tasty!

Here’s a similar picture. They essentially did the same thing, except decided to skewer them, which is also super cute!



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